A modified EH or EJ yet retaining a portion of its originality is a sensible every day driver’s choice. Disc brakes are a worthwhile addition, often fitted with wider alloy or chrome wheels, and modern tyres. The original motors are usually changed over for a slightly larger 186ci or 202ci engine, as the original motor stocks dry up. A larger carburettor, extractors are another choice that many go for. A lot of people swap the Hyramatic autos for later Trimatic’s, and the original three speed’s are usually swapped for a Holden four speed or a Toyota four or five speed. EH’s still remain a popular choice for restorers, as good sound cars are still available for under $4000. Body, mechanical and trim parts are quite available, but Premiers are more costly due to the leather retrim they usually need. EJ’s have gained in popularity in recent years and have been steadily increasing in value closer to the EH.