Membership is open to any person at all. As we are a social club, all you need to do is have an interest in EH or EJ Holdens. Just print out the form that is linked to this page, fill it in and post or scan and email to the club.You can pay via cheque or money order, but our preferred manner is direct credit to the clubs bank account. Cheques/money orders should be made payable to “EH Holden Car Club of Victoria Inc”.  For Direct Credit BSB  633000 Acc: 131058083 Acc name: EH Car Club of Vic. Be sure to add your name as the reference.

Processing of the application may take several weeks. You will receive your membership card and a current newsletter will be emailed. Please ensure that your correct email address is on the membership form. The newsletters include a buy and sell section which is free for members to advertise.

The club has an account number with Rare Spares for which discounts are obtainable when making purchases at Roxburgh Park or Bayswater outlets by showing your membership card. We have also worked hard for several other discounts from outlets in the motor trade that are available for members. Also if you are needing any advice, there are usually plenty of people to help. So come along, and we will welcome you!